Ann Takamaki Week 2024
A fan week dedicated to celebrate the Phantom Thieves of Hearts' very own Panther, also known as Ann Takamaki.Runs from March 11th - March 17th!


ღ How does a fan week work?We have six prompts (as well as a free day). Creators will submit their works by tagging #AnnTakamaki2024. You can submit a bunch of things, fanfic, fanart, headcanons, edits. The only stipulation is that it's your own work! Plagiarizing is strictly prohibited. As long as it's celebrating Ann, we will accept it as a submission!ღ Can I have ships in my submissions?Of course you can! Ann is a loving person after all, so by all means, make the content shippy. Just take care that it doesn't take away from the purpose: celebrating Ann.ღ Is nsfw allowed?It is, but if it's a nsfw art, please post it on privatter and provide a link! Additionally, for fanfic, please post any trigger warnings!ღ How do I know if I'm doing the prompt right?The prompts are specifically chosen so they can be interpreted in a broad manner! As long as you believe that it fits the theme and as long as it doesn't break the rules, we will accept it as a submission!ღ Do you accept commissioned art as submissions?Supporting artists is always great! We will happily accept them, but let the artist know that it's meant to be a submission for the week and if you're the one posting it, give them the proper credit!

1. This event is meant to celebrate Ann. That being said, any character/ship hate is STRICTLY prohibited. This is meant to be a positive event, so no bashing. We don't need to drag other characters down to prop Ann up.
2. As mentioned in the FAQ, nsfw is allowed but everything must be tagged. Any nsfw art must be hidden by a sfw preview.
3. Minor/adult relationships are not allowed to be in the submissions at all. No exceptions.
4. All submissions must be fresh new pieces. You're welcome to continue them afterwards, though!
5. All triggers must be labelled! This includes blood, gore, etc.
6. Commissioned art is allowed as submissions, but let the artist know and if you're posting the art, give the artist credit!
7. No hate whatsoever is allowed in the submissions. This extends past just character/ship hate. No hate towards communities or people allowed!
Note: These are just suggestions if you're struggling to figure out how to tackle the prompts. But as long as you follow the rules and you believe it follows the prompts, you're fine!Day 1: Trends/Fashion (November 8th)At the end of her Confidant, Ann decides that she wants to become a fashion model, so that she can be an inspiration to people everywhere. But her career choice aside, Ann herself is a fashionable person! Additionally, as a Phantom Thief, Ann is a rebel. Maybe she is going against a trend, as it goes against her beliefs.Day 2: Acting (November 9th)Acting: Ann is rather... notorious for her bad acting skills. However, that doesn't mean that she can't improve!Day 3: Free Day (November 10th)Anything goes on this day! You can create literally anything to celebrate Ann on this day!Day 4: Confidence (November 11th)In the beginning of Persona 5, Ann is crippled with her situation. However, she's allowed to bloom and embrace herself after Kamoshida's defeat and with Joker helping her realize certain things. But everyone has their off days. Ann could feeling discouraged about her goal or something else. Or Ann trying to bolster someone else's spirits?Day 5: Birthday (November 12th)November 12th is Ann's birthday! What is she doing to celebrate it? A get-together with her friends? A special date with her significant other? You decide!Day 6: Get Together/Socializing (November 13th)Ann is the heart of the Phantom Thieves. What is she doing with her friends? Or maybe she's even socializing at a high-end event as part of her job?Day 7: Empathy/Understanding (November 14th)Ann is more intuitive than she lets on. Even though when people have wronged her, she often concerns herself with the other person's well-being. Who is Ann trying to understand?
Note: These are just suggestions if you're struggling to figure out how to tackle the prompts. But as long as you follow the rules and you believe it follows the prompts, you're fine!Day 1: Pre-Canon/Post Game (November 8th)Day 2: A Place To Belong/Affection (November 9th)Day 3: Crossover/AU (November 10th)Day 4: Free Day (November 11th)Day 5: Birthday (November 12th)Day 6: True Companions/Family (November 13th)Day 7: Throwback Day (November 14th)
Throwback Day is a day where you can use any of the older prompts and create content for it!